What to Expect
Relax. Come as you are.
Our worship service combines traditional and contemporary music, scripture, and sermons that you can apply to your everyday life. We have child care available in our nursery (located in the basement), so you can focus on worship and get a break from your little ones if you would like. Members and visitors with mobility issues are encouraged to use the east entrance of the church building, which makes accessing the elevator to the sanctuary quite easy. There are handicapped parking spaces, as well as spaces reserved for senior citizens, on the east side of the building as well.
As a visitor or prospective member, we’d like to give you some key points about us.
- build our worship service so that all generations feel included. We have a choir and we use the organ, but we also sing contemporary worship songs accompanied by YouTube videos.
- are constantly reminded that we are all sinners!
- tend not to be a hand-raising crowd, but you are welcome to worship as you feel the Spirit lead.
- have ushers to assist you to your seat.
- have greeters at both entrances to our sanctuary. (Please let us know you are visiting!)
- do not pass an offering plate. Instead, you can place your offering, if you feel led, in one of two boxes at the back of the church.
- invite anyone who has accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior to partake in communion when it is administered.
“Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise.”